Research Forum

East Brent Burial register 1813 - 1914
published by on Sat, 24/11/2018 - 12:53

I have noted several burials with the text Buried  According to Burials Amendment Act 1880 in the column provided in the register headed By whom the ceremony was performed.  The entries I have seen are in the burial register for East Brent 1813 - 1914. I am wondering if these burials are for those who were of Methodist congregation, which seemed to be well established there, and the service carried out by a Methodist Minister and not the incumbant clergy for the church? Does anyone have knowledge or experience for the reason of this type of recording.

Comments ..

Submitted by Pat Hase on Wed, 28/11/2018 - 13:09

I see that two of them have the surname BOLEY so I'm not surprised that you are interested, but I'm not sure of the reasoning for these entries.  One of the provisos in the 1880 Ammendment act was a change in the handling of the Coroner's Certificate and I wondered whether these entries were subject of an Inquest or Post Mortem. The death certficate should show this.

Perhaps one of our members who knows more about East Bent than I can answer this?  If you haven't already done so take a look at the East Brent and Rooksbridge People Web Site 

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