Research Forum

Whitecross Nursery, Walliscote road.
published by on Sun, 03/07/2016 - 19:26
I live in Consett in NE England, but my ancestors originated in Weston super Mare. I know that the Brooks family owned the Whitecross Nursery in Walliscote Road. My great grandfather, and Nursery owner was William Brooks. He died c.1925 but his family carried on the business. I would love to know what eventually happened to the business, especially as I have a small gardening business of my own and was intrigued to discover the link. I am basically looking to find any information and/or photographs. Many thanks, Graham.

Comments ..

Submitted by Pat Hase on Fri, 08/07/2016 - 21:32

Sue has answered your question but you might be interested in this Map which shows the extent of the Whitecross nurseries in the 1880s.  They were in the garden of Whitecross House - a part of the house is now incorporated into Victoria Methodist Church Hall and the rest of the site is now awaiting another redevelopment covering the Police Station and the Magistrates Courts.

William BROOKS and members of his family were buried in Weston Cemetery and he died in Dec 1924.

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Submitted by on Sat, 09/07/2016 - 13:46
Thank you to anybody who has helped me in my research into Whitecross Nursery.It has made me even more keen to visit Weston and discover even more about my family.
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Submitted by on Sun, 03/07/2016 - 20:53
I found this in one of the papers
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Submitted by Lorna Gibson on Sun, 07/08/2016 - 23:14

I have just come across this photograph showing Whitecross Nursery in the foreground. The Church is Victoria Methodist in Station Road, before a fire destroyed its steeple. I don't have a date for the photo.

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Submitted by Bill Caple on Thu, 08/06/2017 - 12:21

I was in Weston Library this week looking at some documents and I found this dated 1898, are you still interested?

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Submitted by Pat Hase on Sat, 05/03/2022 - 13:25

This advertisement was in the 1921/22 Street Directory of Weston-super-Mare.


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Submitted by Ian Granger on Wed, 08/01/2025 - 20:33

My great grandfather was William Brooks. As well as the Nursery Site (now a car park after the demolition of Weston Police Station), they also had a shop next door selling fruit, veg and flowers (this is now a local funeral directors). After his death, two of his sons took on the business and at some point it moved to Locking Road, current site of Weston College and before that Clarks Factory. I don't have too much information on why the business ended, but I know it ceased trading in 1955, this coinciding with the bankruptcy of one of the sons. It appears the site was then sold to Clarks. Here is a picture we have of William Brooks:

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