Whilst looking for something else I came across this entry in the online catalogue for the Somerset Heritage Centre
Repository Somerset Heritage Centre
Level Item
Ref No D\B\wsm/24/1/675
AccNo G/984
Title Plan of shed for motor car, rear of Tyn-y-Coed, Hill Road.
Description For W M Appleton [first motor car owner in Weston super Mare]; (H Dare Bryan of Bristol) [2215] Box 6.
Date 1899
Extent 2
Format documents
Access Status Open
Tyn-y-Coed, Hill Road had been the home of Hans Fowler PRICE, the Weston Architect. But does anyone know anything about William APPLETON quoted in the catalogue as "first motor car owner in Weston-super-Mare".
When you find any information about him can you reply as a comment to this query so that everyone can see the answer and that will prevent duplication of effort.
What car did he own? On the 1901 census he is described as a "Mechanical Engineer" Was he interested in any other form of transport?