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Weston school and London refugees
published by daveerasmus on Mon, 27/05/2024 - 22:22

I am trying to find any information regarding 2 brothers who were evacuated to Weston during WW2. Their names were Terence (Terry) and Kevin (born Kevan) KELLEHER from Paddington. They were born in December 1927 and June 1930 respectively. All I know is that they were taken in by 2 (or possibly 3) elderly spinsters who ran a school. I know that Pat Hase has done a lot of research on private schools in Weston and wonder if this rings any kind of bell?


My grandparents took in refugees, but none by this name. However, the younger brother was the same age as my mother so there is an outside chance that the name will mean something to her. I will talk to her about this, but thought I would try this route first.


Both brothers have apparently died, but their records are still currently redacted on the 1939 Register.


Thanks for any help.

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Comments ..

Submitted by Pat Hase on Tue, 28/05/2024 - 16:16

On our Web Site, under Places and Weston-super-Mare you will find a document of "Private Schools in Weston" 
http://www.wsmfhs.org.uk/files/places/064e0286aa829c53529857415ca67792-02.pdf  In the right hand column it lists the Principals of the Schools and there are several with sisters involved.  Unfortunately few of these were in operation in 1939 but if they were elderly and retired by then they might have been connected with earlier schools.
Of course, the boys might have arrived after the 1939 Register was taken.  I know that evacuees who were with my inlaws arrived later.

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Submitted by daveerasmus on Tue, 28/05/2024 - 19:43

Thank you, Pat.

I have spoken to my mother. She does not recognise the names of the brothers. But she did recall 2 sisters by the name of COUSINS who ran a private school. She said that the name of the school was Winthorpe in "something" Gardens. I managed to find a Marguerite Greta COUSINS living in Wilton Gardens in the 1939 Register. She was described as "Private School Teacher (Principal)" and I see that she is in your list.

Living with her at that time was her younger sister Vera Isobel (or Isabella) and their father Abraham.

Interestingly there are 2 redacted entries as well. There is an outside chance that these relate to the KELLEHER brothers, but of course that is mere speculation.

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