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My Wraxall Connection

Published on Sun, 12/07/2020 - 10:32
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Posted Under:Wraxall
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Comments ..

Submitted by Jonathan Rew on Fri, 03/09/2021 - 16:31
Thank you for a most interesting article. My REW family lived in Wraxall during the 18th, 19th and first half of the 20th centuries, and I was struck by the many similarities between their history and your family's history, such as the numerous children in each generation, employment as agricultural labourers (including on the Tyntesfield estate)and, ultimately, large-scale migration away from the area to places such as Birmingham, Teesside and South Wales where work was presumably easier to come by. I was particularly interested in your comments about the occupation of market gardener. My 3xgreat-grandmother Harriet REW (1800-1891), who was widowed in 1865, is described in the 1881 census as a market gardener - in the 1871 census she had been a washerwoman. I can't imagine that she had the resources to set up a market gardening business - maybe this simply means that she was taking in washing and growing a few vegetables in an effort to stay out of the workhouse. In the last year of her life she did in fact receive five shillings a week in outdoor relief from the Bedminster Union. Anyway, thank you for your insights!
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Submitted by Pat Hase on Sat, 04/09/2021 - 13:11

I have a debt to pay the REW family - because one of the first people I met when attending meetings of the Nailsea Local District Society was Phyllis HORMAN nee REW who consulted the Wraxall Records for me and let me have pages of STOKES information. Although the Society was mainly interested in local history - Phyllis with her vast knowledge of the area was extremely helpful to people researching their families.

Can you add REW to the Surname Interests? - perhaps we have other members who are researching it.

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Submitted by Jonathan Rew on Tue, 07/09/2021 - 9:30
Yes, Phyllis was tremendously helpful to me when I started out on my researches - the records she supplied gave me an excellent foundation for further work.I'll add REW to the surname interests.
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