This is the business card of my great great grandfather, Thomas LONG who lived and worked at 19 Broad Weir in Bristol. Inspired by a "House Through Time" I am looking at the history of this address which was one house in from the corner of Philadelphia Street.
On the 1841 Census no house number is given for Thomas & Martha LONG but they were listed with the first son, Walter, as living in Broad Weir. In 1845, when my great grandfather, Samuel Thomas LONG was born his birth certificate states that he was born at 2 Broad Weir and on the 1851 census they are also listed at No 2 Broad Weir. My query is - did they move or was the road re-numbered?
In August 1942, 19 Broad Weir was destroyed by a bomb which fell on several buses parked outside causing a large number of deaths and in 1944 the then owners, Printers, Taylor Bros, gave a compete history of the house to the Bristol Archives. These date back to 1624 but it was existent before that. Thomas LONG did not own it - he was a tenant - but there are numerous newspaper accounts linking him to it as well as the births of his children and as my grandfather became a compositor he often spoke of Taylor Bros and the premises in Broad Weir which he remembered.
I know this is out of our area but we have many members with connections to Bristol and I wondered whether anyone else had researched this area of Bristol which is now between the Galleries and Cabot Circus.
19 Broad Weir occupied by Taylor Bros (after 1875) Copyright - Bristol Libraries |