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Puddy family
published by Les Martels on Thu, 18/08/2022 - 21:10

Is anyone researching the Puddy family that seem to have lived in Mark, East Brent and Brent Knoll.  There are so many different branches to the family that I fear I have lost my way.

I have James Puddy born ? died 1803 married to Joan Nash born c. 1765 and buried 1841 at East Brent aged 75.  She remarried after the death of James to Stephen Hole.  James and Joan's last child was born 1802 so feel happy that I have the right death for James in 1803.

I cannot find a baptism for him assuming he was about the same age as Joan so I wonder if the only baptism I have found for a James is son of Grace in 1749 Mark, a love child.  She was baptisd 1725 daughter of Richard and Sarah and buried in 1754.

I had James as the son of Samuel and Jane until I found their marriage in 1770 and realised it could no be right.

Does anyone have Grace in their tree or James for that matter who could put me straight before I delete a lot of Puddy's that may not be part of this branch of the family.

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Comments ..

Submitted by Pat Hase on Sat, 20/08/2022 - 19:52

I have to thank you for this query!  My husband has a multitude of PUDDYs in his tree and in trying to sort them out I have some extra PUDDYs waiting approval!  One of these is your James PUDDY and I agree with your findings as stated - I haven't got parents for him either. However Grace is worth considering. The overseers accounts for Mark might help with this but they are not transcribed and would need a visit to Taunton to consult.
I also have Richard & Sarah on our tree as Richard's father, Robert PUDDY, appears to be a 5 x great grandfather BUT that is through his son, John who married a Mary ??  before 1741. When looking for your PUDDY I discovered that I had one John PUDDY with two sets of parents and that there were 18 baptisms in Mark between 1769 and 1798 with John & Mary PUDDY as parents.
So thank you for initiating this clean-up of my own tree!

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