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Published by John French on Tue, 27/02/2024 - 8:57
Parish:Bleadon / Uphill
Place/Region:SOM Somerset
Periodafter 1900

The person I am interested in is Nurse Alice Mary Sauvarin, sometimes known as Garrett. I have a huge amount of information about her, but would still like to see census entries for 1901 and 1921 and a photo would be a real bonus. She worked in WSM first as a housemaid and later as a private nurse. She had pets - cats and rabbits. Lived in a property between Uphill and Bleadon which I have yet to identify.

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Comments ..

Submitted by Pat Hase on Sat, 02/03/2024 - 17:09
She was said to be living on the Bridgwater Road in 1964 in "Rosemary Chalet" before she died in St John's Hospital, Axbridge (Her Probate entry) This house was on Bridgwater Road, between "The Cedars" and "The Holmes" according to the 1964 Street Directory. By 1968 that house appears to have been called "Hillside". It is interesting that although she was married in 1907 she continued to use her maiden name after the death of her husband (such a short time after their marriage).
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Submitted by John French on Sun, 03/03/2024 - 9:51
Thanks for that Pat. I spent hours looking at those directories recently and clearly missed that entry!! DUH!!! Will go and have a look first-hand sometime. As for the marriage - it only lasted a few days before he disappeared and committed suicide. I'll email her story to you.
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