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Brian Austin
published by Pat Hase on Sat, 16/09/2023 - 11:45

It was with shock and sadness that we heard of the sudden death of Brian Austin on the evening of Thursday 14th September.  Brian had given one of his inimitable talks at the Museum in the afternoon during which he had been on good form.

Brian will be greatly missed for his generous research into the family and local history of Weston, his home town.  It was from one of his classes in Family History that our Society grew - for which we are very grateful.  His continued kindly support and encyclopedic knowledge of the history of  the people, events and places of Weston was an inspiration to many.  Our thoughts and sympathy go to Annemarie at this sad time. 

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Comments ..

Submitted by Stephanie Keenan on Sat, 16/09/2023 - 12:22

I am so very sorry to learn this.  Brian was immensely helpful to me when I first contacted him many years ago regarding my Selwood family.  He will be very much missed.   

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Submitted by Jenny Towey on Sat, 16/09/2023 - 13:31

...a generous, genial gent...

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Submitted by lily39 on Sat, 16/09/2023 - 13:48
  • So sad tto hear this news but what a magnificent legacy he has left.
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Submitted by Peter Towey on Sat, 16/09/2023 - 14:09

So sorry to hear this sad news. He will be very much missed. But what a legacy!

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Submitted by Denise Neufeld on Sat, 16/09/2023 - 15:59

Brian was very, very helpful to me when I first started researching many years ago.  Was very sad to hear that he had passed away.  

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Submitted by Lorna Gibson on Sat, 16/09/2023 - 18:23

What very sad news. He was such a great source of local knowledge whch he was always happy to share. Thank goodness so much of his work will still be available for future generations.

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Submitted by Derrick Norton on Sat, 16/09/2023 - 19:33

I'm so sorry to hear of Brian's sudden passing.

He was very helpful to me and I value his three handwritten letters and all the research he did on my behalf.

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Submitted by uphill on Sun, 17/09/2023 - 14:05

I am very sorry to hear the news about Brian- I first met him over 40 years ago and always found him so helpful and interesting to talk to - I called him"Mr Weston" as his Local and Family History knowledge of the area was second to none !

I hope tomorrow at the Anniversary Dinner a toast will be made in his name.

With best wishes and sympathy to his family.......


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Submitted by Jethro80 on Sun, 17/09/2023 - 14:16

I'm so sorry to hear of Brian's sudden passing.

With best wishes and sympathy to his family.


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Submitted by SMaguire on Tue, 19/09/2023 - 8:50

We were saddened to hear about Brian. He was a true gentleman and a lovely person, knowledgeable, inspirational and always helpful. He will be greatly missed by everyone but never forgotten.

Last night, our 40th Anniversary Dinner took place and we remembered Brian with a toast and a minute's silence.

Sending our sincere sympathy, prayers and love to Annemarie - Sue and Jim




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Submitted by JANE SEWARD on Sat, 23/09/2023 - 13:10

I was very shocked to hear the news of Brian Austin's passing which I found via Pat's posting on Facebook.  I had attended his very last talk at the Museum on the Thursday and I commented that he was on good form, giving an interesting and amusing talk as usual.  He will, indeed, be sorely missed.


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