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Burrington Parish in World War 1
published by Pat Hase on Thu, 20/11/2014 - 22:37

Burrington Parish Exhibition [Burrington WW1] Have received information about an Exhibition and Book Launch to be held next weekend Nov 29th and 30th in Burrington. Many Parishes have been or will be holding similar events and some really interesting exhibits are being displayed.

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Memories of WW1 - Buckets & Spades special edition
published by on Sun, 04/05/2014 - 12:46

The next Buckets and Spades will be special.  Dedicated to those who were alive during The Great War.  Lets make this special.  Do you have any snippets of information about your ancestor in WW1?  If you wish to put an article together, however short or submit a photograph please do contact me via the website.  The deadline for articles is Tuesday 20 May.


Project leader - Memories of WW1

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Memories of WW1 - Buckets & Spades special edition
published by on Sat, 12/04/2014 - 12:06

The next edition of Buckets & Spades will be dedicated to those who lived through World War One.

If you are working on any research for Memories of WW1 we need your project to be ready for the END OF MAY!

Have you thought about investigating what your relatives did between 1914 and 1918?  It is not too late to start and their story could be included in Buckets & Spades and our special Open Day in July.  It does not matter how small the research project is we want to know!  We already have some interesting stories to tell.  One of our members is working on research for an ancestor who dug trenches in WW1, others have nurses and land girls in WW1 and of course we do have soldiers and sailors.  Does anyone have a link with one of the early RAF pilots?

Do tell us your ancestors story especially if they have links to Weston-super-Mare and the surrounding district.

If you are working on a project please do contact Caroline Morris who is collating all the projects.

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Royal Welch Fusiliers
published by Brian & Pam Airey on Sun, 23/02/2014 - 9:00

Royal Welch Fusiliers Museum seek WW1 photos.

"We at the Royal Welch Fusiliers Museum in Caernarfon are starting the mammoth task of looking for photos of individual soldiers from the RWF who were killed in the Great War.

We are trying to put each man’s name on display on a screen on the centenary of his death and would dearly love to be able to add a photograph of each man to go with his name.  It is a huge undertaking as there were over 10,400 men from the RWF that were killed.  But even if we only get a fraction of the photographs we believe it is worth doing.  Many of the RWF were from all over so we are asking please could you help?

Many families have photographs tucked away so this might prompt them to seek them out.  We accept scans or copies and any that appeared in newspapers, which often carried obituaries including photographs. We need as much information as possible to go with the photo to make sure we
fit the right photo to the right man – but sometimes a name and date of death might be all we need.

Email us on rwfmuseum1@btconnect.com for more details or to send us a photo.

You can also follow our progress on Twitter, Pinterest, Flickr  and Facebook "

Shirley Williams
Museum Education Officer
RWF Museum

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Memories of WWI
published by on Tue, 21/01/2014 - 20:00

Well 2014 has arrived and I am sure you have seen lots of news stories and forthcoming events to remember World War 1.  The BBC will be running special programmes across the network, both television and radio throughout the next four years.

To give you a taster of what is to come here is a special story of an amazing find involving a Weston-super-Mare family.

Please click on the link to read this special story.


Don't forget your research.  We want to know all about what your ancestor did during the 1914-1918 war.  Remember it does not need to be a military person, we want to capture what life was like for all during this time in history.

Please let me know if you are working on some research.

Lets make our ancestors proud and find out as much as we can about their lives.


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Memories of WW1
published by on Wed, 16/10/2013 - 19:52

The BBC have just announced they are doing a series of programmes through 2014 to remember those affected by World War 1 in our area.  They are going to be covering all sorts of aspects from those who went to war in the military to what people did at home.  This is very close to our project!  As they are looking for stories to include I would love to go to the BBC with lots of our stories.

Please do get in touch with me if you have a story about an ancestor from 1914. You never know it could be featured on the television!

Remember it isn't just about those who joined the forces but about those left at home or worked in factories.

Waiting to hear from you!!!

Caroline Morris

Memories of WW1 co-ordinator

Caroline can be contacted using the Contact Us facility towards the top right-hand corner of the screen, and select in the Category box Memories of WW1.

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