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Royal Welch Fusiliers
published by Brian & Pam Airey on Sun, 23/02/2014 - 9:00

Royal Welch Fusiliers Museum seek WW1 photos.

"We at the Royal Welch Fusiliers Museum in Caernarfon are starting the mammoth task of looking for photos of individual soldiers from the RWF who were killed in the Great War.

We are trying to put each man’s name on display on a screen on the centenary of his death and would dearly love to be able to add a photograph of each man to go with his name.  It is a huge undertaking as there were over 10,400 men from the RWF that were killed.  But even if we only get a fraction of the photographs we believe it is worth doing.  Many of the RWF were from all over so we are asking please could you help?

Many families have photographs tucked away so this might prompt them to seek them out.  We accept scans or copies and any that appeared in newspapers, which often carried obituaries including photographs. We need as much information as possible to go with the photo to make sure we
fit the right photo to the right man – but sometimes a name and date of death might be all we need.

Email us on rwfmuseum1@btconnect.com for more details or to send us a photo.

You can also follow our progress on Twitter, Pinterest, Flickr  and Facebook "

Shirley Williams
Museum Education Officer
RWF Museum

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Memories of WW1
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