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January 2025 Newsletter
published by Pat Hase on Thu, 02/01/2025 - 13:39

From BBC

A Happy, Healthy, Peaceful, Cheerful and successful New Year to you all. Thank you to those who sent cards and messages over the Christmas period. It was great to hear from you especially as I wasn’t feeling particularly well.  I wasn’t sure that you would be getting a Newsletter this time but here is a much shorter one than usual which in Blue Peter Style I made earlier.  Please add suggestions for research during 2025.

2025 has so much to offer. 
It is 80 years since VE Day.  I remember lying in bed asleep when my mother, who obviously wanted to share the news with everyone – woke me up to come and see the bonfires which had been lit along the railway embankment which ran alongside the Bristol Rovers Ground at Eastville in Bristol. I am told I simply said “ OK, I’ll see them in the morning” And went back to sleep!  I was 6.
A train track going through a forestDescription automatically generated with medium confidence 

From YouTube

This shows the Gasometer which is often mentioned in connection with the Rovers.
The 13 arches were demolished to make way for the M32.

There was a Street party, but I have no pictures.  Every type of dining room chairs with a table covered with white sheets and the favourites if the day.  Rabbit moulded jellies and blancmange, egg sandwiches, cakes and coloured drinks – there was probably more!  Do any of you have records of such parties?  This is the problem of relying on official documentation when so much of our lives are unrecorded,
I also remember being fascinated by the streetlights when they came on again – and the arrival of bananas but I don’t think that happened until Dec 1945.

Family Celebrations in 2025

In May 2025 one of my mother’s cousins will be celebrating her 100th birthday.  As her mother also reached a century it does seem that there are some long lived genes on that side of the family.  Happy Birthday Rita! 

January Society Events

Library Help Session
On January 4th there should be a session at Weston Library. The last one had to be cancelled due to the weather and the closure of the library.  All are welcome -  just take along your queries from 2.00p.m. and our valiant volunteers will do their best to set you on the right path. The session finishes at 3,30p.m.

Live Talk to Members on Wednesday, Jan 8th 2.30pm – 5.00
There has been some speculation recently whether an afternoon meeting suits most of our members.  Please make a comment about the suitability of the timing for the future.  This talk will be by Raye Green, the well known Worle historian. Recently she has been researching the 52 Vicars of Worle since 1325  Raye will share her knowledge about Worle history in this saunter through 900 years of St Martin's Church.

Zoom Workshop on Thursday 23rd January 7. 30pm – 9.30pm
This is a change of day for a Workshop from its more usual Wednesday evening to a THURSDAY.  It is important that as many of you as possible attend as it will be about our new web site.  Your comments are important to its development and Rob Clarke will be taking us through it.  You will receive information about how to join the Workshop by email prior to the meeting.

New Resources


The 1921 Census of England and Wales launches on the 7th of January and will show details including where your relatives were living, who they lived with, what industry they worked in, who employed them - you could even see their handwriting. What will you discover? – Here are some more resources on offer.

A screenshot of a web pageDescription automatically generated

Don’t forget that Ancestry and Findmypast can be used at Weston Library.

Free Research Sites

I wonder how many of these sites you have used. https://shorturl.at/Le1Sq   Were any of them helpful?  Let us know which you recommend.


Your membership to the Weston-super-Mare & District FHS ended on Dec 31st so your renewall will be welcomed by the society. And of course new members are always welcome.


Wishing you all a successful, Interesting and healthy 2025 and with many thanks to those who contribute to the Society.  Happy New Year!


PS    Received this message this morning – can anyone help?

Hello. I am trying to see if Backwell House is still standing. Also to see if anyone know about what happened to owners and their children.

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Comments ..

Submitted by Jenny Towey on Thu, 02/01/2025 - 14:34

Thanks, Pat - and the same to you and yours.  Hope you're feeling 'more the thing', now?

It is my understanding that Ancestry will have transcribed the 1921 census themselves - so I'm really interested to see what they make of my GGF's florid handwriting.  His name was Borrill Brodie - but FindmyPast transcribed it as Porrill Prodil - I only managed to track him down by searching on the address he was living at in 1911: luckily, he was still living in the same place in 1921.


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Forthcoming Events

Workshop by Zoom: She died in Whitechapel a talk by Pat Hase
Wednesday, 26th February, 2025 19:30 - 20:30
Library Help Session
Saturday, 1st March, 2025 14:00 - 15:30
Physical Members' Meeting
Wednesday, 12th March, 2025 14:30 - 17:00
Workshop by Zoom: Brick Walls
Wednesday, 26th March, 2025 19:30 - 20:30
Library Help Session
Saturday, 5th April, 2025 14:00 - 15:30
<- View calendar for more

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