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June 2023 Newsletter
published by - 1 years 14 days ago.

Does anyone know anything of the BARTLET(T) family in Winscombe in the 18th century?  My ancestor Jane JAQUES/JAKEWAY(S), born Winscombe, gave birth to an illegitimate daughter Jane BARTLET JAKEWAY(S) in Banwell in 1766.  This implies to me that the father had the surname BARTLET.

In 1753 Simeon SUMMERS and Mary BARTLET baptised their daughter Frances in Winscombe, and in 1754 and 1756 Simeon and Mary BARTLET baptised two more children in Winscombe, Simeon Chouval and Jon respectively.  Jane JAQUES/JAKEWAY(S) was resident in Winscombe at that time, and I am wondering whether Simeon senior was the father of her child. Sadly, Jane's daughter died as an infant.

Is it possible that Jane was employed by Simeon and Mary in the 1760s?  Was he a local farmer?

Any information about Simeon and Mary BARTLET would be most welcome. 

This is a query, rather than a comment on the June Newsletter - sorry - didn't realise it would go under that heading!


Julie Jakeway

June 2023 Newsletter
published by LeedsChris - 1 years 15 days ago.

On victorian cures for a common cold - I can remember my old family relatives using 'Langdale's Essence of Cinnamon', which I think has a long history going back to the 18th Century.  I seem to remember a teaspoon full of the essence added into hot water or water an honey?  However, thinking back to childhood days I seem to remember that it worked to stop symptoms developing rather than it putting an end to a cold already established.....  [I guess these days I ought to declare I am not a doctor and offering no medical advice!!!!!!] 

William Tripp Marshall
published by Pat Hase - 1 years 1 months 2 days ago.

The school appears to be a Charity School - from the 1901 census - The Ruth Elliott House of Rest for Poor Children, Brigadier Hill, Enfield.  Were the MARSHALL family Methodists?  There are several letters to Methodist Newspapers about donations to the school. 
I see that Mary was back with her father and brother in Weston in 1911 with the COUSINS family in George Street. 

May 2023 Newsletter
published by Pat Hase - 1 years 1 months 17 days ago.

Since publicising this Newsletter there has been a change of Speaker for the next Society Meeting on Wed May 10th.  We are lucky that Grace Rubery has agreed to replace Ann Ballard who, unfortunately is unable to be with us.  Grace has a very interesting family and will be talking about "My Family in Uniform"I wonder what uniforms her family wore?   The only uniform for most of my recent ancestors would have been school uniform or that of a servant! Thanks Grace.

May 2023 Newsletter
published by Les Martels - 1 years 1 months 19 days ago.

I don't think there is much doubt that Robert Long on both documents are the same person, the signatures are the same.

There may well be no connection between Robert Long and John Wright as I have often found that a witness to a marriage is actually that of someone who married around the same time or was a church official or clerk.  It might be worth checking other marriages either side to see if the names come up again, if it is important that you know or want to satisfy your curiosity.

May 2023 Newsletter
published by Jenny Towey - 1 years 1 months 19 days ago.

The signature of Robert Long does look similar - maybe he was a friend/work colleague of John Wright?

We also have Friends of Mendip Cemetery and WsM Library attending our May Fair, Pat, if you'd like to add them to your list?

Refreshments are available, too.

Many of my ancestors moved around and I find that they often give the place they remember from their childhood as where they were born - which wasn't necessarily the same place.  Spare a thought for those of us with foreign ancestors: as the enumerators were only instructed to record the birth country.  Only occasionally did they write down the district or town...and, naturally (being unfamiliar with the person's accent and the spellings of that country), they mangled the information.

I, too, remember watching the last coronation on a 12" TV set, in black and white (no colour TV in those days!)...but at home.  My stepfather & mother joined forces with many people who obtained a TV set at this time - probably rented.

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