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February 2024 Newsletter
published by Jenny Towey - 5 months 25 days ago.

When husband Peter discovered - via DNA testing - that he no longer had Devon & Cornwall ancestors he donated all the books he'd amassed on those 2 counties to the relevant FH Societies...however, he has rapidly filled the space with books on Sussex & Kent (his new ancestral counties)!!  The dining room was filled with DEV & CON books for months as we awaited volunteers to come and collect them.  Good luck and speed with your new boiler installation.


Chapel/ Bedminster union/Long Ashton Union
published by uphill - 6 months 0 day ago.

Pat, Thanks for replying. I should have mentioned I recently checked both Bristol and Somerset archives online for any records on the Chapel. Also I have checked with both archives - but many years ago -if they knew the location of the registers (nothing)- not done this recently.  Was hoping that maybe someone researching or transcribing may have come across them - as if by magic ?!  There's always hope !

Chapel/ Bedminster union/Long Ashton Union
published by Pat Hase - 6 months 0 day ago.

There is a large collection of documents relating to the Bedminster and Long Ashton Poor Law Union at the Somerset Archives   https://somerset-cat.swheritage.org.uk/records/D/G/bd  There is also a collection under Farleigh Hospital but I cannot immediately see any reference to the chapel.  Contact the Somerset Archives who may be able to be of help.

What does "relict" mean on gravestones?
published by Pat Hase - 6 months 0 day ago.

These memorials are so interesting and some have some awful warnings of mortality!  Relict was used to denote a widow.  

January 2024 Newsletter
published by Pat Hase - 6 months 25 days ago.

Thank you Les, a reminder to renew membership was included in my notes for this newsletter and I completely forgot to include it!  Best Wishes, Pat

January 2024 Newsletter
published by Les Martels - 6 months 25 days ago.

Thank you for your good wishes for 2024 which I am sure we all extend to you and your great team. 

The January Newsletter (which looks very interesting) was a prompt to me to renew my subscription as it is easily forgotten.  I am needing access to the transcriptions more than ever now as I have lost all my work on my family tree of 20 plus years, due to a failure of my hard drive.  I was gutted at first but now I am taking the opportunity to research in a much more disciplined way, slowly but surely.  Being a bit of a hoarder, I had not thrown away all my notes so they are giving me some information that I can check and correct.

My new year resolution is to back up my work on a regular basis.  I hope I can keep it.

Best wishes to all researchers and may your brick walls be surmountable.

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