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Napoleonic Wars
published by Jenny Towey - 4 months 8 days ago.

Thanks, Brian

Tickenham St Quiricus & St Julietta
published by Jenny Towey - 4 months 8 days ago.

Fantastic, Graham, many thanks for all your hard work.

media question
published by zumrob - 4 months 8 days ago.

Sounds like a limit in Picasa. 2048 being 2 to the power of 11. Those sort of numbers 1024, 2048, 4096 etc raise a red flag if you have ever worked in IT.

Picasa was withdrawn in 2016 and it's replacement (Google Photos) only allows 1000 for free.

I am assuming that you have all files in 1 folder. Would possibly suggest that you sort the media files into folders then loading up of a folder should load (a) less the 2048 files and (b) load quicker.

If that does not work can you let me know exactly what you do and I'll try to work it out for you

published by John French - 4 months 24 days ago.
Thanks for that Pat. I spent hours looking at those directories recently and clearly missed that entry!! DUH!!! Will go and have a look first-hand sometime. As for the marriage - it only lasted a few days before he disappeared and committed suicide. I'll email her story to you.

published by Pat Hase - 4 months 24 days ago.
She was said to be living on the Bridgwater Road in 1964 in "Rosemary Chalet" before she died in St John's Hospital, Axbridge (Her Probate entry) This house was on Bridgwater Road, between "The Cedars" and "The Holmes" according to the 1964 Street Directory. By 1968 that house appears to have been called "Hillside". It is interesting that although she was married in 1907 she continued to use her maiden name after the death of her husband (such a short time after their marriage).

March 2024 Newsletter
published by Jenny Towey - 4 months 25 days ago.

I hope everyone is enjoying listening/watching the online talks from RootsTech, too, Pat.

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